Amongst the luckiest young Canadians are the Infant/Toddlers of Discovery. As with all really young children their lives and activities are very controlled by the adults in their lives. How fortunate for these children that the staff of the Infant/Toddler room understand that great outdoor experiences are a part of a high quality Early Learning program and a future concern for the planet. They spent the whole week outdoors, from drop-off time to pick-up time. This included changing diapers (thanks to our portable change area and sink), sleeping, eating and exploring the great outdoors alone with their friends and caregivers. One very special moment came on day four after a bird flew into a window (that is not the special part) and fell to the ground stunned. One compassionate young child noticed this, went over and began to blow on the bird in an attempt to help it. Mrs. Wong came over, scooped up the bird and held it while is regained its bearings. Within moments it was stable enough to perch on her finger. You can just see the compassion and keen interest shown by this young child. Could a love and compassion for nature already be taking root due to the extended exposure to high quality outdoor environments?
BRAVO Staff of the I/T room. We are so proud of you.