One of the wonderful traditions for Discovery is reaching out to others who find themselves in a place of need around Christmas time. Like last year we have two wonderful options for you to consider giving to:
- A uniquely Discovery option coming out of our Christian Preschool room is donating money for Christmas bags that will be given to very poor children in Southern Romania villages. This effort is led by Doris Storey (a former staff) who along with her husband have sold their house and moved to Romania as Christian Missionaries. At $9 a piece, with all items purchased or sourced locally in Romania (no shipping cost required) this is an excellent opportunity to help children in a needy part of the world. Doris and John will continue to support and be in contact with the families in these villages, which is good to know, as this makes this outreach more than a “one off” feel good kind of project. Can you find the means to donate $9 and sponsor one such bag? See Agnes in the office to donate to this cause.
- The other, and even more long standing tradition at Discovery will be collect food items which will be delivered to the Christmas Cheer Board for use in their work. Please make your donations by placing canned or dry food items into the box that is provided in the “Link” (entry way).
As always we appreciate your generosity and how you model this for your children. Merry Christmas to all!