On October 19th (next Thursday) we will host 120 teachers from across Manitoba in our Adventure Playground. This all day workshop will be facilitated by Adam Bienenstock (www.naturalplaygrounds.ca) and planned by the Manitoba Physical Education Teachers Association. The workshop will run from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm followed by a tour of Discovery Centre. You may find parking difficult to find, the hallways crowded and your children in a different place than you usually find them . Thanks for your understanding and support as we reach out to the community beyond Discovery with the importance of re-connecting children to the outdoors.
Last week we hosted over 110 guest during two events. Wednesday night had about 74 individuals from Canada, Brazil, Pakistan, South Korea, India, China, Ireland and New Zealand enjoying a presentation from Andrea Welz of Sault St. Marie, Ontario. Having recently returned form a 3-4 month study tour of Forest and Nature schools across much of Europe, there was so much to take in.
The very next morning we were blessed to host 40 some Early Childhood students from Brandon’s Assiniboine Community College.
October is a wild month around here and I do hope you enjoyed this short report about some of our activities.