An international discussion on leadership resulted in these thoughts being shared. This is coming out of a working group on nature and children (World Forum Foundation) which several of Discovery staff are involved in.
“Animals considered happy and healthy are the ones that roam freely in green and open environments, as opposed to those who are placed in crammed cages and in the most cruel cases in boxes. Why should it be any different for kids. Although we do understand the importance of lodging and the dynamics of city life, should we sacrifice our children’s access to the environment that our interrelated natural world has chosen to place them into? Without the green nothing is sustainable: oxygen, food, the water cycle… Children to fully grasp the importance of their natural environments and benefit from its gifts and messages have to be given a chance to be part of it. Because in every aspects of life immersion is necessary for full understanding; to understand the meaning of words we have to know what the realities they stand for feel. That is why children need to suck, touch, roll and breath the elements to fully grasp their presence, and joyfully contribute to the life cycle that they are part of.”