Discovery’s Board of Directors made a decision at an emergency Board Meeting last night to credit parent accounts for the two week period of March 23/20 to April 4/20. Also, to keep in line with the current school closure, parents will not be billed for the week of April 6/20-April 10/20. Moving forward, the Board will be revisiting the situation and parents will be informed.
The Board also made a decision to provide care to Essential Service Providers beginning Monday, March 30/20. Parents who will be receiving services will be billed accordingly. If you have self-declared as an Essential Service Provider, you will be contacted before the end of this week.
The management at Discovery is personally sending out a huge “THANK YOU” to Discovery’s Board who has already volunteered so much of their time and energy into supporting families in our Centre. We realize that when you volunteered to become a Board Member you had no idea that we would be dealing with such difficult decisions. Your time and commitment to Discovery Children’s Centre is very much appreciated.