Discovery Children’s Centre is collecting signatures for a petition to “Invest in Childcare for Manitoba Families”. The petition will be available to sign when dropping off or picking up your child. Signatures will be collected until March 5, 2021.
Please review the information below so that you understand the background for this petition. If you have questions or concerns please email
The background for this petition is as follows:
1. The pandemic has further emphasized the need for quality, affordable, and accessible childcare and has demonstrated that the Government has failed to ensure childcare is accessible to all Manitoba families.
2. Over 90% of Manitoba children receive child care through non-profit licensed centres and yet funding has been frozen since 2016 – these cuts have resulted in many early childhood educators leaving the sector.
3. While childcare centres have faced increased costs associated with lost parent fees due to COVID-19 closures, and spent thousands on PPE, when open, to keep kids safe the provincial government has provided no additional financial support
4. The Government spent less than 1% of the $18 million Temporary Childcare Grant, and instead gave KPMG double their contract, nearly $600,000, to conduct a review that will raise parent fees and lay the groundwork for privatization.
5. The Provincial Governments cuts to nursery school grants is doubling parent fees for hundreds of families – making childcare less affordable and accessible.
6. The Provincial Government passed Bill 34 The Budget Implementation and Tax Statues Amendment Act which removed the cap on childcare fees for private sector businesses.
Thank you in advance for your support.